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Sweets for your Sweetie

  2/6/2017 9:25:00 PM

Sweets for your Sweetie

Whether you are going on a blind date, becoming “Facebook Official” or counting another anniversary-- there is something special about celebrating love in the month of February. This month we set off to Sweet Spot Bakery to find the best sweets for our sweeties, but we were treated to a love story that is as beautiful as their cupcakes.  

Brack and Sharon Whitley, owners of Sweet Spot Bakery, have been in the bakery business for over 27 years. In fact, they met while Brack was the grocer manager and Sharon the bakery manager and at their local grocery store. They fell in love and knew that what brought them together would also keep them close. Soon they opened their own bakery and have been baking ever since! When asked what is their favorite part of owning Sweet Spot Bakery, they agreed, it is working so close together each day.

Take it from these love birds; the way to the heart is through the sweet tooth! Here are some special ways to spoil your Valentine:

Cake Balls: Made by hand from the same delicious recipe as the larger cakes- these bite sized treats are meant for snacking and sharing. They are also sure to make you a hero at your kiddo’s Valentine’s Day Party.




Chocolate Covered Strawberries: Nothing says romance like strawberries after they have taken a chocolate bath. Is it because we feel healthy while cheating on our diet? Possibly, but these guys will win you brownie points for sure!



Gluten Free Cupcakes: If your sweetie avoids all things gluten, surprise them with a cupcake that takes out all the bad and only leaves the good! Coming in a variety of flavors and you are sure to find one that not only delights but also reminds them that you were listening when they described their dietary needs.



Ding-Dongs: Yes, Ding-Dongs like the ones you ate when you were a kid! Only these are better because they are filled with love and goodness and the preservatives are left out. The man in your life will be weak in the knees when he sees these nostalgic treats!



Cupcakes: Nothing to sell you on here… Cupcakes scream “I love you” with their muffin-like bottom and silky-sugar top. Buy one for your Valentine and one for you… you’ve earned it!

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